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Newsletter 24th May 2022

Posted On 25 May 2022
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Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and apologies for not sending out our latest news at the end of last week.  We had some technical issues but fingers crossed everything is now sorted.

What a busy week we had!  

All children in Early Years had a great school trip to Tropical World on Tuesday and had a great time.  

On Wednesday, all our Year 6 children went on a residential to Scarborough until Friday.  We all had a brilliant time and all the children were a credit to you and the school.  It was a full on few days and everyone was very tired when they got back to school.  Having spoken to some parents, most children fell asleep pretty early when they got home!  It was so good to be part of the trip and see children growing in confidence, showing great leadership and teamwork.  Although I too was extremely tired on Friday it was such a pleasure to be part of the trip. 

While the Year 6’s were away, some of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Brownlee Challenge against other schools and did really well.  Well done team!

We will be sharing photos on our website of our trips and celebrations now it is back up and running.

This week is our final week before we break up for half term.  On Friday we are celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee.  We would love children to dress up as royalty (something smart if children do not have any dressing up clothes or outfits) and a crown or tiara.  We will make crowns on Friday if your child does not bring one in so please don’t go out and buy one especially.  We would like to invite parents and family to school at 2pm for coffee, tea and biscuits and then will have a parade with all children at 2.30pm and all sing the National Anthem.  We have loads of flags and bunting so it should be really special.  I hope you can join us.  A separate message will go out with all the information about this event again too.

As part of our Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, all schools in our Trust entered a bunting design competition and I am very pleased to let you know that one of our Year 6 pupils was a runner up.  We will share his photo and his design on our website so please look out for this.  The children produced some amazing designs so competition was high.  

Just a reminder that we break up at 3.15pm on Friday 27th May but do not come back to school until Tuesday 7th June as we have an extra day off due to the Queen’s Jubilee falling in half term. 

I hope the rest of the week goes well for everyone and hope to see as many of you on Friday afternoon as possible.

Many thanks for all your support this half term,

Mrs Fletcher 

Our school target is 97% 

This week our attendance was %

Nidd – 93.60%

 Aire –89.13% 

Ouse –91.79%

Derwent –89.58% 

Foss – 98.00% 

Calder –  93.46%

Humber – 98.64% 

Tuesday 24th May 2022 from 2.50pm – Family Reading Week This weeks classes  Ouse and Calder

Thursday 26th May 2022 –  Young Voices Concert, Manchester

Friday 27th May 2022 – Queen’s Jubilee Celebration day – Dress Up as Royalty. Please join us for a royal procession and Sing the National Anthem

Other Key Dates :

Friday 27th May 2022 Break Up for Half Term
Monday 6th June 2022 School Closed – Bank Holiday
Wednesday 15th June 2022 Sports Day – Parents invited from 12 noon
Friday 17th June 2022 Father’s Day event
Tuesday 28th June 2022 KS1 Beach Trip
Monday 4th July 2022 Year 6 Induction Day – Selby High School
Monday 4th July 2022 School Class Photographs
Thursday 7th July 2022 Summer Fair
Monday 11th July 2022 Parent Forum 2.45pm – 3.15pm
Wednesday 20th July 2022 Year 6 Graduation & Celebration Day
Wednesday 20th July 2022 Disco Event
Friday 22nd July 2022 Break Up for Summer Holidays  1pm

Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required

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