| 01977 355020
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Ebor Academy Trust logo


Community News

Here is some information about our community and activities that children and families can become involved with:

( If there are other things that we don’t know about please let us know and we can share the information with our families)



4th Knottingley Brotherton Brownie unit

Girl-guiding UK

Register your child on

 Girls Age between 7 Years and 10 years

Meet at the Brotherton Parish Hall every Tuesday 6.00pm til 7:30pm


4th Knottingley Brotherton Guides unit – Girlguiding UK

Register your child on

 Girls age between 10 years and 14 years

Meet at the Brotherton Parish Hall every Tuesday 7:30pm til 9.00pm


Or contact Lisa Taylor Guide leader on 01977 790468/07976946721



Always looking for volunteers


Brotherton and Byram Carnival Committee are looking for helpers on the day or even to join our committee


Please contact

Roger Steels chairman on 01977 676422/07930377844 Janet edge on 01977 674665 / 07901540459


Or contact by web site



Village Bloom Committee are Always looking for volunteers and childrens groups to help plant flowers around the village.


Contact David Nicklin – 01977 671224
