| 01977 355020
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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is underpinned by our school vision and values:

‘We are respectful citizens with curious minds and aspirational goals’

Our EBOR values of ‘Excellence’, ‘Belonging’, ‘Opportunities’ and ‘Respect’ are the foundation of learning and teaching in school we have a culture of mutual respect, honesty, trust and courage so we can work together and help each other achieve our best.

Our curriculum focuses very much on the needs of our children.  We teach them knowledge and skills, as set out in the National Curriculum and also give them opportunities and experiences to learn additional skills and knowledge to ensure they are equipped to be good citizens, have a deeper understanding of our world and how they can make a positive contribution.

We encourage children to become confident, independent learners who are able to contribute positively to the school and the community in which they live so that they can take their full place in society secure as individuals, whilst able to respect the needs and values of others.

Our long term plan links all subjects within each year group to our key theme for the term and as children progress through school, learning embeds and extends previously learned key knowledge, skills and vocabulary. We plan each term, reflecting on what children know and what they need to ensure our curriculum intent is implemented.  We have planned to cover any key skills and knowledge that may have been missed during home learning during the pandemic.  We have also looked at the key skills and knowledge that are essential for children to know in their current year to ensure they have solid foundations to build on every year.

During the autumn term we plan the curriculum through a theme of ‘Identity’, the spring term through ‘Our World’ and the summer term through ‘ Growing Responsibility’.

If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please contact Mrs Fletcher, Headteacher on 01977 355020 or send an email on

Subject Intent and Progression