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Ebor Academy Trust logo

School Uniform

Within our school we promote an atmosphere which encourages effort, enjoyment and a celebration of the achievements of all our pupils. Our concern for these high standards is also reflected in the pride we take in our school uniform and the feeling of belonging it creates.

It is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school organised event outside normal school hours. We provide a complete list of all the items needed for the children’s school uniform, including footwear, requirements for hair and jewellery in this policy:

BBS Uniform & Jewellery Policy 2022 

Our policy for uniform reflect the DfE’s recommendations and is based on the belief that school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in our school and it has a positive impact on behaviour and attitudes in school;
  • Develops a sense of community and belonging towards the school;
  • Is practical and looks smart;
  • Identifies children with our school, particularly when taking part in out of school educational activities and visits;
  • is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes and hairstyles can be);
  • Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
  • Is regarded as suitable wear for school and is considered good value for money;
  • Has been designed with health and safety in mind. 

School Uniform

PE Kit

Navy blue crew neck jumper or cardigan with or without school logo (no hoodies)

White polo shirt

Black skirt, plain pinafore or trousers

(Trousers should be not be black jeans, tight fitting, cropped or leggings)

Black school shoes (not trainers or boots)

Plain black tights or plain black socks

Summer option (can be worn from the beginning of the summer term to autumn half term) : 

Navy blue and white checked dress Black tailored shorts school shorts (not jean material, football shorts or tight cycling shorts)

Plain short white socks with dresses

Plain short black socks with shorts

Plain white T-shirt

Plain black shorts

Plain black tracksuit/jogging bottoms for outdoor P.E.

Pumps/trainers for outdoor P.E

PE kits should be stored in a named bag


We believe that it is both practical and safer for children to wear flat and sensible shoes. School shoes must be black. Trainers, boots and open-toed/backed sandals are not permitted. Platform soles or high heels are not suited to the busy school day. Shoes must be changed for P.E.and trainers/pumps should be worn for P.E. 


We have tried to minimise the cost of our uniform.  School uniform can be purchased from larger supermarket at a reasonable cost.  You do not have to purchase uniform with our logo but if you would like to, has a range of items you can purchase.  If you are struggling to pay for uniform, please contact school and we will do our best to support you with purchase of items.

Second Hand Uniform

School will have a bank of second hand uniform that can be given to families who are struggling financially to purchase uniform.

School will also set up a second hand uniform exchange that all parents can access and either swop uniform or purchase for a minimal price.  

Embroidered school uniform

There is no obligation to buy embroidered school uniform but if you would like to, you can order through the following link:

This takes you directly to My Clothing online uniform order service and 5% of all orders taken is given back to the school.  The uniform is then delivered straight to your home.