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The Hub is a concept that lives out in practice our belief in Brotherton and Byram Primary Academy that well being, self esteem, self belief, aspiration and understanding the values of a community, are all crucial parts of the jigsaw that help us on our life long learning journey. The vision was helped to become a reality by significant funding from the local charity Selby Hands of Hope.

We have a Behaviour and Wellbeing Mentor and Family Support Worker in school, who have weekly sessions with all the children discussing wellbeing and delivering our PSHE and RSE curriculum through our restorative approach.

Our Family Support Mentor also works with parents and children and outside agencies, providing additional support to families.

Every child has access to The Hub and can come to ‘Hub Club’ if they have any problems or want to have some time to grow positive wellbeing.

At our school, we stand by our belief that a problem shared is a problem halved and with the provision we give every child in school, we help the children make sense of their feelings and also seeing the world from another’s perspective.