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Welcome to our Early Years Provision at Brotherton & Byram Academy 

About us

We are extremely proud of the provision we have in place in our EYFS unit which enables all of our children to thrive and make excellent progress in a safe and stimulating environment. We have a busy unit with a mix of pupils between the ages of 3 to 5 years old. The Nursery class is named ‘Team Esk’ and the Reception class is named ‘Team Nidd’. Our staff team works hard to plan a broad and balanced curriculum following the Early Years Framework that fosters children’s curiosity and interests, alongside enabling all pupils to learn and apply new skills. 


Our Learning Practice and Provision


Our EYFS practice is rooted in the needs of each individual child; we assess and plan accordingly with a holistic approach. Alongside children’s interests, key themes are thoughtfully planned to ensure our children have stimulating experiences within which to practise and embed key skills at the start of their journey through school. 

Our practice covers the new EYFS framework requirements and our curriculum is based on the new non-statutory guidance: ‘Birth to 5 Matters.

Our ultimate goal is for all our children to grow up happy, healthy, curious and ready for the next stage of their education. This year, following on from school lockdowns within a national pandemic, we recognise that our children have missed out on many wider opportunities to interact with people, enjoy new experiences and travel to new places. Therefore, we regularly plan ways to enrich our curriculum in safe ways that will expose children to new skills, people, perspectives and experiences. 

Our provision both outdoors and indoors is a place where children can explore, create, think, learn and develop with the support and interactions from sensitive, knowledgeable adults.


Our Curriculum – What your child will learn


Our curriculum across the year follows three key themes. We start the year by supporting children as they explore their own identity. Across the second cycle we explore our world around us and the community within which we live. The last cycle of the year encourages children to grow in their own personal responsibility and to become more accountable for their choices and actions towards their fellow citizens and the environment around them. Our expectations are high. Our intent is to enable all of our pupils to ask, explore & learn by being exposed to high-quality teaching, stimulating provision and enriching experiences. We encourage a ‘spirit of curiosity’ that motivates our children to persist, explore and learn in a creative way. 

Children in Team Nidd will also have access to specialist teaching provision during their time with us including weekly opportunities to learn Spanish, Forest School and PE with our academy’s specialist teachers. 


Forest School


Every Friday we learn together outdoors in our Forest School. Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions in the woods. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting

Forest School inspires a deep connection to the world and an understanding of how a learner fits within it. Our approach to risk means that learners constantly expand on their abilities by solving real-world issues, building self-belief and resilience. Forest School therefore, helps pupils  to become healthy, resilient, creative and independent learners.


Parental Engagement


At Brotherton and Byram we recognise the importance of parents involvement in their child’s development and encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s learning. We hold parents’ meetings twice a year, as well as sharing your child’s learning each term, using our online learning journey, which you will be able to access with a personal login. We regularly hold ‘Stay and Play’ sessions inviting you to join your child in Early Years unit. We also use a digital communication app called Parent Hub to send you direct messages and we use our website which keeps you updated with all the latest news and events. We are always available to discuss questions at a convenient time for both yourself and the school.  


Nursery Information

If your child is in Nursery the session times are as follows:

Morning session: 8:45am-11:45am
Lunchtime session: 11:45am-12:15pm
Afternoon session: 12:15pm-3:15pm

Each child is eligible for 15 hours of free sessions in nursery per week, with some children eligible for 30 hours. If you feel you may be entitled to 30 hours please visit If you apply and are assessed as eligible for the 30 hours free childcare, please inform the school of the 30 hour code you will be issued with. This is funded from the term after the child’s 3rd birthday. Sessions are flexible throughout the week and can be changed subject to availability each term.

For example:

  1. Child attends every morning
  2. Child attends every afternoon
  3. Child attends full days (to include a lunch session)
  4. Child attends a mixture of mornings/afternoons/full days

If you choose to attend a full day you would be charged for the lunchtime supervision. This is priced at £2.

Invoices cover half a term and should be paid in advance. Late payment will result in a charge per day and your child will not be allowed to attend the charged for sessions until payment is received.

If available, extra sessions can be purchased at a price of £13.50 per 3 hour session. You may also pay for your child to stay for lunch either before or after your child’s session begins.

Children who have just had their 3rd birthday who are not yet eligible for free sessions may purchase sessions during the term of their 3rd birthday, subject to availability.

For those children who purchase extra sessions or lunchtime sessions, there is a charge of £13.50 per session and £2 for lunchtime supervision. Invoices cover half a term and should be paid in advance. Late payment will result in a charge per day and your child will not be allowed to attend the charged for sessions until payment is received.


What next?

If you are considering a place and would like to come and visit us, please get in contact to arrange a time. We are always happy to talk about what we have to offer here at Brotherton and Byram CP Academy. 

If you are considering a Nursery place for your child, we have stay and play sessions every term for all prospective Nursery children and their parents to come and get a feel for the setting and to meet the staff and try out some of the exciting equipment and resources.

If you would like to register your child in Nursery you will need to fill out an enrolment form and return to the school office. We will get in contact with you the term prior to your child starting Nursery to invite you to a New Starters Meeting and to arrange a home visit.

Thank you for considering our Early Years Foundation Stage and we hope to see you soon!