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Our Governors

This school has a local governing body (LGB) which is responsible for making day to day decisions on the running of the school. Its power is delegated from trustees of the main multi-academy trust board.

The LGB consists of members of the local community interested in education and no formal qualifications are required as full training is given. The headteacher is automatically a member of the LGB by nature of their position, but cannot be chair. Parents are welcome to join the LGB and when there are vacancies, we particularly welcome applicants with skills in managing budgets, legal work, human resources, running a business or any work connected with young people.

Any governor vacancies will also be advertised here.

The Chair of Governors, Duncan Fraser, can be contacted via the school, by post to Brotherton and Byram Community Primary Academy, Low Street, Brotherton, Knottingley, West Yorkshire WF11 9HQ or by email: or phone: 01977 355020.

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For more information on the Ebor Academy Trust Trustees, please click the link below.


Pen PortraitsBrotherton and Byram LGB
Mr Duncan Fraser (Chair) (Trust Appointed)Duncan started in governance as a parent governor almost 8 years ago, and he is now a trust appointed governor as well as a member of the Ebor board of trustees. He became chair of governors shortly after the school was placed in special measures in 2013 and he is immensely proud to have been part of the journey that has brought the school to the GOOD academy it is today. He has been a secondary maths teacher for 15 years and currently works as Director of Learning at a large outstanding school in York. In his spare time he supports a local scout group and is becoming an increasingly active part of the local athletics club his children attend. He enjoys nothing more in his holiday time than travelling around the uk with his family, always finding new and interesting places to explore.
Mr Ben Greene (Staff Governor)Ben joined the Brotherton and Byram team in 2018 as the EYFS teacher and Assistant Head of school. He has worked in academies across three local authorities as an infant teacher with a commitment to enabling young children to get the very best start with their learning in school through a broad and rich curriculum. Ben has been an EYFS SLE, an LA moderator and an experienced mentor passionate about seeing school staff continue to develop their practice. As well as serving as a governor in two schools, Ben is a leader at his local church and runs groups to support fathers and young families at the weekend. He is also kept very busy by his three young boys walking, reading and gardening.
Mrs Alex Jeff(Staff Governor)Alex started at Brotherton and Byram CP Academy in January 2011 as a maternity cover in EYFS before being made a permanent member of staff. Alex has taught mostly in Year 1 and Year 2 and had a brief spell in Year 5 before the pandemic. In her spare time, Alex enjoys family holidays with her husband and two daughters, visits the the Isle of Wight and playing netball for Castleford Comets
Revd Sharon Brown(Trust Appointed)Mother Sharon is the Parish Priest for Brotherton and Byram, and Ferrybridge. She spent 25 years as a peripatetic music teacher for North Yorkshire County Council and the City of York Council, teaching drums, percussion and classroom music. Sharon was Head of the Performing Arts Centres in York for several years before being ordained in the Church of England in 2014. After living in Leeds for most of the last 38 years she took up her current post in 2018. She is also the chaplain to the Company of Servers in the Diocese of Leeds. Sharon is mum of 2, having been a single parent for the last 16 years.
Mrs Kathryn BrattParent GovernorKathryn has had a career in Local Authority Adult Social Care spanning 25 years across 4 authority areas. She is currently Head of Quality and Safeguarding and has responsibility for improvement and delivery of services to support people in the community. Kathryn has been a governor for Brotherton and Byram for almost 2 years and her son has attended the school for the last 8 years. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her family and enjoys travelling with their caravan to different places in the UK.
Mr Grzegorz JastrzebskiParent GovernorGreg has had two children attend Brotherton and Byram CP Academy; one who is currently still on roll. He has worked for several years in general logistics and
as a production director for an electrical control company with a focus on managing new commercial projects. His main area of interest and expertise is in health & safety; including fire protection, transport and building regulations.
Mrs Sophie Kinsey-HayesParent GovernorSophie has been in hospitality management for the past 15 years both Front of House and Back of House operations. Outside of work Sophie has 4 children who all attend primary school and the family enjoy exploring new places. Sophie and her family love spending time having family game nights and visiting national trust properties.

Meet the Governors