Welcome to Class Ouse!
(Year 2)
Teachers :
Mrs Jeff (Teacher – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday), Miss Oglesby (Teacher – Thursday and Friday).
Other adults you might see in our class are Mrs Kellett, Miss Johnson, and Mr Jeff.
Team Ouse’s school day:
When we arrive in school, we self register and then we complete an independent maths challenge. After that, we have a whole class check in. This is where we share how we are feeling.
We would like our children to read with you every day at home; even a couple of pages a night really helps build confidence and stamina in reading. Ask your child questions about the book, talk about the story or book, look at the meaning of words and see if your child can pick out any of their phonics and tricky word knowledge. These are all skills we practice at school that you can do together at home.
When the children have finished a book, they can be changed in class. We will check if they need to change their book every Wednesday but it would be really helpful if you could also let us know just in case your child forgets and we will make sure they have a new book.
Any questions about developing reading skills at home please feel free to come in and see us.
If your child does not read at home on an evening, they will catch up with their reading during some of their play time.
Spellings will be practised at school and will be tested on a Friday. We will not be sending spellings home but if your child would like some to practise we can provide you with the statutory spellings for Year 2 that they can have a go at all year.
Water Bottles:
Team Ouse will need to bring in a water bottle to have in the classroom with them to keep hydrated throughout their learning day. We only drink water in class so please only send in bottles filled with water.
Wednesday PE:
Team Ouse do PE on a Wednesday morning.
We ask children to come to school in their PE kits.
Forest Schools:
We do Forest Schools every Wednesday morning. Please send your child with wellies and a coat. If the weather is particularly cold or wet, hats, gloves etc will need to be worn too.
Spanish :
We have a Spanish lesson each week. We continue to develop confidence in speaking and listening and we begin to look at written words in Spanish too, investigating how letters and sounds may be different. We recap greetings, colours and numbers and build on our existing bank of other Spanish vocabulary too in preparation for statutory lessons in KS2. Our lessons include songs, stories and games to make language learning fun!
Some of our favourite songs:
The following games may be enjoyable for confident readers:
Number games: https://wordwall.net/
Colour games: https://wordwall.net/
Other words: https://wordwall.net/
Useful websites:
www.numbergym.co.uk Username: Brotherton Password: wf119hq
Thank you,
Mrs Jeff and Miss Oglesby