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Welcome to Humber Class!
(Year 6)



Miss Smyth (Teacher) 

Our Team

Team Humber are the Year 6 learners in our school and are taught by Mrs Christie.  They are also incredibly lucky to have specialist teachers in Art, PE and Spanish. 


We have an exciting year ahead when we will be exploring the world of the Ancient Greeks and discovering how their lives compare with ours today.  We will also be finding out all about Italy, its geography, people, history and culture.  In Science we will be exploring energy and the environment, learning about animals and humans and finding out all about evolution and inheritance.

Useful Information

Our morning learning begins straight away, so please ensure your child is in school promptly and ready to learn.

PE is on a Wednesday afternoon. PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings. Spare kit in school is very limited so we cannot guarantee a loan. For safety reasons, can long hair please be tied back and earrings be removed and not simply covered.

As learners are now in their final year of primary school, we encourage them to take responsibility for their planners.  These will be updated every Monday and please can they be brought into school every day as we will be using them in class.

Forest schools will be happening on alternate Fridays and a message will be sent via Parent Hub to advise when additional footwear or clothing is needed.

Homework in Year 6 consists of maths and reading. Learners are asked to read for 20-30 minutes every evening, five times a week. This is important in building reading stamina as well as developing an essential skill for the rest of their learning. Learners will also be given maths arithmetic questions on a Monday to be handed in by Friday. We will mark these together as a class. We know that life is busy, so learners will have the opportunity to complete their homework in school at lunchtime if they don’t manage it at home.

Finally, please can you ensure children have water in their drinking bottles as juice or flavoured water are not permitted in the classroom.

We recognise that Year 6 is a significant year for our learners, and that home and school form a crucial partnership in your child’s life.  If you do have any questions or concerns, please come and speak with us and we will do all that we can to help.


Spanish is taught by a specialist Spanish teacher on Thursdays. In year 6 we deepen our understanding of how to listen, speak, read and write in another language and further develop our knowledge of Spanish phonics, vocabulary and grammar. We do this through lots of games, songs, stories, puzzles and creative tasks as well as longer pieces of writing and more complex texts. We use our knowledge of Spanish letters and sounds to help us read and write paragraphs and unfamiliar words. We continue to practice and build our repertoire of questions and answers in conversations and talking about ourselves. We practice numbers to 100 and bigger numbers and extend our vocabulary further to help us describe where we live and what we like to do. We deepen our understanding of Spanish grammar through investigating verbs and their conjugations as well as having the opportunity to use adjective agreement, singular and plural nouns, connectives and a range of verbs in a variety of sentence structures. In preparation for secondary school, we learn different revision techniques and also have an introduction to French. 

We also have an eTwinning link with a school in Spain and collaborate on various projects and themes together for example sharing Christmas Cards or taking part in a video conference.

Thank you!

Miss Smyth