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Newsletter 19th July 2024

Posted On 19 Jul 2024
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Friday 19th July 2024

Congratulations Team Humber!

Well here we are at last at the end of another fantastic year of learning and growing together at Brotherton and Byram! 

This week, in particular, we have been celebrating the wonderful achievements of our pupils in Team Humber as they prepare to leave our school and get ready for their next stage of learning in secondary school. On Wednesday we had our graduation celebration outside in the July sunshine, together as a school community, with lots of family and friends. Thank you for coming along to support and we hope you enjoyed celebrating this special moment in the lives of your children. May I take this opportunity to say congratulations to Team Humber! We are so proud of you all! We hope that you have enjoyed your time learning with your friends in our school and we wish you every success as you move on. Please know that you will always be welcome to come back and see us. Please come back to visit and tell us all about your new adventures!

We are also saying goodbye this week to Miss Thompson who has done a marvellous job of teaching Team Foss this year. Thank you so much Miss Thompson for all you have brought to our children and we wish you every success for the next chapter of your career! Finally, we have also said goodbye to Mr Jeff, who leaves us this week to take up his new role as Deputy Head of PE at a school in York after 12 years of incredible service to our school community. Mr Jeff, you have had such an amazing impact on our school and you leave behind an extraordinary legacy! You will be missed very much but we wish you every success with your new role. We hope you both know that you are welcome to come back and visit us any time!

There are lots of things further down the newsletter that you might be interested in for the summer break. In particular, may I draw your attention to the North Yorkshire Library Summer Reading Challenge 2024. Alison from the library came in to share this with the children during our Tuesday assembly and they were very excited about taking part. We hope you have a wonderful summer break and we hope that your children get plenty of rest. They have all worked incredibly hard and we are proud of all the progress that they have made this year! 

See you in September and thank you for all of your ongoing support and continued partnership that we value so much, Mr Greene

Attendance :

Attendance Update


Our school target is 97% 


This week our attendance was 93% 

Nidd – 99%                            

Aire – 88%                                                                                     

Ouse – 99%

Derwent –89%

Foss – 96%

Calder –  86%

Humber – 97%


Dates for your diary:

Friday 19th July 2024 15.15pm Break up for Summer
Monday 2nd September 2024 Inset Day – School Closed to Pupils
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 Inset Day – School Closed to Pupils
Wednesday 4th September 2024 Back to School – Pupils return to School

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS  September 2024

Please use the google forms communicated via Parenthub to sign up for the Clubs.

Please use the google forms communicated via Parenthub to sign up for the Clubs.

Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required



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