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Newsletter 5th July 2024

Posted On 05 Jul 2024
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Friday 5th July 2024

Brotherton and Byram at the EBOR Trust Pupil Parliament!

This week it was a joy to take our four pupil parliament representatives to the EBOR Academy Trust end-of-year pupil parliament celebration event in York. With a theme of celebrating diversity, our four representatives (Jack, Noah F, Myles and Willow) have led our school community to reflect on how we celebrate and learn more about diversity. During the event, the children featured on a video and shared how they have organised inclusivity events like our wheelchair sport session taught by Go Kids Go earlier in the year. They had the opportunity to work with our pupils from across the trust. Our trust is now made up of 25 schools across Selby, York, East Riding and the Yorkshire Coast. The children really enjoyed hearing about what each school has done on the theme of diversity in their distinct local communities. Well done to all of you and thank you for all of your hard work!

In other news, we were delighted to welcome so many of you to our Celebration of Learning event on Tuesday afternoon this week. Thank you for your continued support; we know the children really enjoyed sharing their learning journey with you ahead of the school reports coming out next Tuesday 9th July. We would also like to thank you for your support with fundraising to put back into provision and experiences for our pupils. During the event, we were able to show how some of your kind donations have been used to create our new Library with a woodland theme. As you know, Reading is a core part of our school development plan this year and we wanted to make a special place for children to come and read in the heart of our school. A massive thank you to the staff team who put this provision together and an especially BIG THANK YOU to one of our parents, Joe Williamson, for making the incredible trees, benches and walk-through book! Wow! 

As we approach the end of term we are making final arrangements for transition. On Monday, I will share the details of class teachers for next year with the children in Assembly and then send a follow-up letter home confirming transition arrangements ahead of our transition week in the last week of term. 

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week, Mr Greene

Attendance :

Attendance Update

Our school target is 97% 

This week our attendance was 94% 

Nidd – 98%                            

Aire – 95%                                                                                     

Ouse – 96%

Derwent –100%

Foss – 86%

Calder –  88%

Humber – 99%

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 9th July 2024 Summer Fair – from 15:15

Join us on the playground for fun, games and refreshments as we fundraise for the school.

Pupil Reports Sent Home
Wednesday 10th July 2024 Team Nidd: ‘Goodbye Early Years, Hello Key Stage 1’ Assembly 09:00 am

Parents/Carers of Nidd pupils, please join us in the hall after normal school-drop off for a short assembly celebrating your child’s time in EYFS and looking forward to being in Key Stage 1

Friday 12th July 2024 Team Derwent Sharing Assembly 2.45pm.  

Parents/carers, please join us and find out what the children have been learning.

Wednesday 17th July 2024 Team Humber Graduation 09:30 am

Parents/Carers of pupils in Humber, please join us as we celebrate Team Humber’s Graduation event together. Refreshments to follow 

Friday 19th July 2024 15.15pm Break up for Summer


Please use the google forms communicated via Parenthub to sign up for the Clubs.

Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required

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