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Headlice Alert 3rd June 2019

We have again received reports of head lice in school. Please check your children’s hair this evening. Should you find live lice or eggs, please treat, as necessary. Your local pharmacy can give advice on the most effective treatment for your child. It is important to check...
Posted On 03 Jun 2019
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Have a great half term holiday

As we break up for half term today, we hope you all have a great half term holiday.  See you all when we come back on Monday 3rd June. Mrs Fletcher
Posted On 24 May 2019
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Countryside Live

This week Key Stage 1 and 2 went on a school trip to Countryside Live.  We had a great time, taking part in activities such as:  making dens, learning how to weave, making felt, dissecting owl pellets (which was really interesting!) and getting up close and personal with creepy...
Posted On 24 May 2019
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Please vote for us!

National Book Tokens are running a competition for one school to win £5,000 worth of books for their school library! Please help us to try and win this amazing prize for our children by visiting and nominating our school! Thank you.
Posted On 24 May 2019
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Triathlon Superstars!

This week lots of our children in Key Stage 2 took part in a triathlon competition and had a great time.  They all tried really hard and made us very proud. Look at the video to see how they got on. Triathlon  
Posted On 24 May 2019
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School Uniform

Thank you for making sure children come to school wearing the correct school uniform. As we start the half term holiday, we are sure there are many parents who will be checking uniforms and shoes as the children seem to be growing so fast this term! Please can we make sure that...
Posted On 24 May 2019
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Parking Reminder

Could we respectfully remind parents that the Children’s Centre car park is for use by Playcare and Children’s Centre users only and must not be used by parents and carers for dropping off and picking up from school. Please also refrain from parking on the zigzags and...
Posted On 24 May 2019
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Summer 2019 Term Dates

Calendar Dates For Summer Term 2019  
Posted On 20 May 2019
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Attendance Superstars this week

Well done to Class Aire, Class Derwent & Class Ouse who all achieved over 97% attendance last week. Ouse 100% Aire 98.75% Derwent 97.42%     What great attendance superstars!    
Posted On 20 May 2019
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