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Amazing attendance!

We have been amazed by all of the classes attendance for last week, therefore every class has moved around on the Classopoly board which is a great achievement for all the classes to be above the 97% school target. Esk- 98.1% Nidd- 98.8% Aire- 99.2% Ouse- 99% Derwent- 98.1% Foss-...
Posted On 04 May 2018
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New PCSO news

Our local community now has a new PCSO 3568 Hannah Gaskell. Hannah is eager to meet as many residents as she can and has said that if anyone has any problems/worries not to hesitate in contacting her. Hannah can be contacted via 101 and the extension number 33568 or by e-mail:...
Posted On 30 Apr 2018
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Kwik Cricket success!

Another amazing achievement on Wednesday 25th April by Brotherton and Byram Primary Academy, who came second, winning three out of their four matches in the Kwik Cricket tournament which was held at Selby Cricket Club. It was a blustery day and the players worked well as a team....
Posted On 26 Apr 2018
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Decorate an Egg Competition Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our Decorate an Egg competition. Thank you to everyone who took part.  It is obvious just how much effort has gone into each creation as all the entries were eggcellent! From everyone at Brotherton and Byram CP Academy, we wish you a wonderful...
Posted On 29 Mar 2018
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Hi 5 Netball tournament – first round

Brotherton and Byram Community Primary Academy attended Selby High School for the first round of Netball this afternoon. They lived up to their promise that they would aim for top spot. Scoring 19 goals over three matches and conceding none, they found themselves in the final...
Posted On 28 Mar 2018
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Sherburn High School Newsletter March 2018

Please find below the link to Sherburn High School’s latest newsletter  
Posted On 28 Mar 2018
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Sports Relief success!

We are delighted to announce that we raised a whopping £191.00 for Sports Relief through our non-uniform day and after school activity session! Many thanks to all those who supported these events.
Posted On 26 Mar 2018
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Easter Service – Wednesday 28th March 

Our Easter service will be held at St Edwards Church, in Brotherton, on Wednesday 28th March. The service will start at 2pm.  We ask that parents arrive no earlier than 1.45pm, to allow the children time to be ready and settled in their seats before parents join us. The children...
Posted On 21 Mar 2018
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Non uniform day Monday 26th March

On Monday 26th March children are invited to come to school in their own choice of clothes and bring a donation of something chocolately for our annual Easter Chocolate tombola! The tombola will be run after school on Monday and then every break time and after school until...
Posted On 16 Mar 2018
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Decorate an Egg competition

With Easter approaching it’s time to launch our decorate an egg competition! Please decorate an egg (hard-boiled!) in a creative way. Prizes will be given to winners from each class. Entries must be brought to your child’s class by Tuesday 27th March and judging will...
Posted On 16 Mar 2018
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