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Welcome to Aire Class!
(Year 1)



Teachers in our class in 24/25 are:

Miss Catterall

You will also see: Miss Johnson

Here is what a typical day will look like in Team Aire:



Every morning we come into class, have a piece of toast and practise our handwriting. Then we have ‘check in’. ‘Check in’ is a time where we come together and check how we are all feeling at the start of the day.


When we are not learning in a group with the teacher, we learn through independent challenges. We love to end the day with story time.


On Tuesdays we have our ‘carousel morning’ where we spend time with different teachers. In this time we have PE, Music or Computing with Mrs Kellett and we have an outdoor learning session in Forest School so your child will need to bring weather suitable clothing to change into and wellington boots

We ask that children come into school in their PE kits on Tuesdays.


Please bring your child to school with their reading wallets and a water bottle every day.



It is important that your child reads at home. Each morning your child should bring their planner and reading books into the classroom and place them in the planner baskets. Your child will change their book in school weekly. 

Asking your child questions about their book as you go along will help to develop their understanding and question answering skills. Please write a note in their planner to say they have read with you. 

It is also great for children to read the same book more than once to increase their familiarity with words and improve their fluency. Your child can also read anything at home, from books to magazines, the back of a cereal packet to a leaflet sent through the post! 

When a child has read their name goes into a prize draw to get a treat.

Useful websites to help your child learn at home: 

If you have any questions please speak to Miss Catterall.



We have a Spanish lesson each week on a Thursday with Mrs Sadullah. We develop our speaking and listening skills and learn how practice helps us remember. We learn greetings, colours and numbers as well as other vocabulary such as fruit, parts of the body, animals and vocabulary from stories. Our lessons include songs, stories and games to make language learning fun!. 

Some of our favourite songs:


Thank you for your continued support.