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Dates for your Diary

Posted On 21 Mar 2017
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Thursday 23rd March

E-Safety Parents information meetings 2pm & 6pm.

Friday 24th March

Red Nose Day- Wear something Red and make a donation to Comic Relief.


Mother’s Day Secret Room – An opportunity for children to choose a gift for their mum (and grandmothers subject to Availability)

Gifts are £1.50 each. Please send money in a named envelope with details of who they are to buy for.


Humber Sharing Assembly 2.45pm Please come and join us to share our children’s learning.

Wednesday 29th March

Easter Service in Church 2pm- All Welcome.

Thursday 30th March.

E-Safety Day. Pupils will be learning about E-Safety during the day.

Monday 3rd April – Friday 7th April

Spanish Themed Week – This week we have our exchange children from Sagunto visiting. We will be having lots of Spanish themed activities during the week (More information to follow nearer the time)

Wednesday 5th April

School Disco – Times to be confirmed.

Friday 7th April

Celebration of Mrs Fletcher’s time with us and her leaving assembly – Open doors for afternoon tea at 1pm, followed by assembly at 2.15pm

Break up for Easter

Monday 24th April

Back to School

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