Year 3 visit to Drewtons Farm Shop
Team Derwent are planning to visit Drewtons Farm Shop in South Cave, which is just on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds, on Monday 30th September. This visit will be part of the ‘Farm to Fork’ section of our wider learning about Mighty Yorkshire. The planned workshop will teach us about land usage and agriculture within Yorkshire and the seasonality of produce and include some tasting of local fruits and vegetables. It will also inform part of our art learning about David Hockney and allow us to experience the Yorkshire Wolds for ourselves!
The visit will take place within normal school hours and children will need to bring a packed lunch, unless they are entitled to Free School Meals in which case school will provide a packed lunch for them.
Please visit Parentpay to give your consent for your child to take part in the trip and to pay your voluntary contribution of £10.80 by Friday 27th September. Unfortunately if insufficient contributions are received the trip will not be able to go ahead.
Thank you.