School Update 07/05/20
Good afternoon everyone,
It is nearly the bank holiday and another week of making sure we are all as safe as possible. This week, we have again been so pleased with children working hard and doing their best. Some children are not logging on as early as they have been previously but have been getting work done. We are here to help, but teachers log off on google classroom and seesaw and tapestry from 2pm as they also have additional work to do for school. So, please can I ask if you could, to ask them to log on/start work as near to a normal school day as possible so teachers can be on hand to help them. This would be really appreciated and the teachers can then be there as much as they can for the children. We cannot thank you enough for working with us in such difficult times. Thank you so much for sharing pictures of children’s learning; we have had some fantastic pictures sent through!
I am sure, like us, you are desperate to get back to normal, whatever the ‘new normal’ will be. We are hoping for more clarity from the government on Sunday about what that will look like in schools. We will be discussing, as a Trust, everything that is shared by the government on Monday and I will then share with you as soon as I can after this time.
We are all missing the children so much and all parents.
Keep safe and hope to see you soon,
Mrs Fletcher