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Year 6 Transitioning to De Lacy Academy

Posted On 25 Jun 2020
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At this time of year, under normal circumstances, our Year 6s would visit De Lacy Academy for a transition day.  Clearly, this is not possible at this time.  Instead, De Lacy is making a virtual event for students and parents to access, which De Lacy hope will alleviate concerns anyone might have about the move to high school. The video will feature short audio clips of some key staff and an insight to what the working classrooms look like etc. 


School bags, which all students must have, can be purchased from the SPT uniform website at a cost of £12 and any additional uniform orders can also be sourced from this website. School shoes must be black and must not look like trainers. Any branding or white stripes are not allowed.  Please note that all pop up shops have been cancelled.


Students may need reassurance and many will have questions which need answering.  The De Lacy twitter feed is available to all families and the twitter handle is @DeLacyAcademy. Lots of useful and up to date information can be found there throughout the year.

Start Date

The start date for year 7’s should be Tuesday 8th September at 12:30pm.  Students will be met outside the reception area and be taken into school to have a tour of the academy, meet their form tutors and be given their planners etc. De Lacy will be in contact if the date specified changes in any way and will also be writing to parents separately to ensure they have all the necessary details.

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