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Further Information for Y6s Transitioning to Sherburn High School
Posted On 01 Jul 2020
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Sherburn High School have shared the following useful information with us:
- Unfortunately, the July transition days have had to be cancelled. As it stands, Year 7s will be in school for the first time on Tuesday 8th September.
- Sherburn High School are in the process of phoning all families of students who are due to start with them in September both to speak to parents and, hopefully, children, to answer any questions and to see how they’re feeling.
- A transition booklet and virtual presentation will be uploaded onto the Sherburn website on 1 July.
- There are many other resources in the transition section of the website, such as: FAQ, a virtual video tour, ask the experts and a student passport which students are submitting to the school, so their new form tutor can get to know them better.