Back To School At Last!
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the summer holidays so far.
I am sure you have been following the news about schools opening to all children and we are all very excited to see the children next week. During the last week of the summer term I sent out a letter outlining what we were putting in place and how each key stage will be working in bubbles with class bubbles in each. Our updated risk assessment will be on our website outlining what we have put in place. There is also updated Trust information about returning to school attached.
On Tuesday we will be starting our changed drop off and collection times (please see the amended key information sheet attached) and using our one-way system. Children will go to their new classroom on Tuesday (except for our old Reception children who will go to the Early Years classroom. All classes, except for Miss Clark’s old class will have their teacher from last year for the first couple of days to help children settle in. Miss Clark’s old class will have Mr Hughes. Mrs Hand will be with Mr Hughes so there will be a familiar face when the children come back. There will be staff outside to help if you are unsure. The one-way system will be in place which will be very different but hopefully, once we all get used to it, drop off and collection times will soon run smoothly.
We have been told by Public Health that younger children have a lower risk of catching and transmitting COVID-19 and the biggest risk is adults catching and transmitting the virus. I am sure everyone will understand the responsibility we have as a community to keep all risk to a minimum so when bringing or collecting your children, please can everyone keep to 2m distancing, keep moving around the one-way system and don’t stop unless you really need to.
If you need to speak to the school office or a member of staff, please would you ring school to either arrange a meeting or speak on the phone. We like to speak to everyone in person so this will be very strange for us all. I am more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you have, but I will have to now do this over the phone or arrange a meeting. I am hoping to arrange regular parent forum zoom meetings so there are more opportunities for us to discuss any issues and share what is going on in school and future plans.
We cannot wait to see everyone on Tuesday.
Looking forward to seeing you then.
Mrs Fletcher
Updated September Back to School Information .docx
Guide for parents_Version2_Sept2020