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School Update 23/07/2021

Posted On 23 Jul 2021
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Dear Parents/Carers,

Well, our summer holidays are finally here and, after some lovely weather, expecting rain next week!  Hopefully this will not last long and we will have sun for the rest of the holidays.

Even though the children are exhausted, we are so proud of how they have all kept going with their learning in their new classes.  The ‘good mornings’ each day are definitely getting quieter though!

This week we say ‘goodbye’ to our Year 6 children.  We had a graduation outside yesterday which was lovely, although we will all be so sad to see them go.  I taught most of the children when they were in Year 1 and they were the last class I was a class teacher for so I feel very sad they are going.  I wish them all lots of fun, happiness and courage to take part in new opportunities in high school.  

We have had many positive comments and thanks from parents for the individual and class photos we sent out yesterday.  We are so glad you liked them.  Please would you mind being careful not to share class photos on social media as parents have agreed only to share on the website and on ParentHub.

I apologise for the delay in sending out Sports Day videos – we have had real difficulty uploading them and sharing but we will keep on trying.  We are also trying hard to upload the graduation video for Year 6 parents but again, we will keep trying.

Finally, I would again like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to you all for keeping going and keeping the children going in what has been an extremely challenging year.  Without you, our children would not be in such a good place to learn.  I feel incredibly lucky to lead a school in a community that wants the best for their children and supports school so well.  Thank you.

Have a great summer.  Enjoy family time and have some amazing adventures that your children will remember forever.

Mrs Fletcher



Our school target is 97%

This week our attendance was 91.64%

Nidd – 91.9%

Aire – 91.46%

Ouse – 87.62%

Derwent – 94.66%

Foss – 89.88%

Calder – 87.83%

Humber – 96.07%


School reopens on Tuesday 7th September 2021


From September the way you can order a school dinner will be changing. Currently you have to order 8 days in advance of the week you are booking for. This has now been changed to 48 hours before the session required. Therefore, you can now book for each day as long as you book 48 hours in advance, or you can continue to book the whole week as long as this is done 48 hours prior to the start of the week.

In addition, after 2 years with no change in price, we would like to inform you that from September 2021 the cost of a school dinner will be increasing slightly to £2.35 per day.

Please find attached the menu for September to October 2021 Brotherton Menu Spring Summer 21 Sept(1)

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