Welcome Back!
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you have all had a wonderful summer. We are all really looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow and hearing about what they have been up to over the holidays. We have some great things planned for the children and cannot wait to get started!
When you come back tomorrow, after updated government guidance, we no longer require parents to wear a face mask in school grounds but please follow the one way system, which will remain, and drop children off as you did at the end of term.
Children will no longer need to stay in bubbles but we will continue with the same handwashing routines and touch point cleaning we were implementing last academic year.
Please also see the attached Trust letter regarding new COVID-19 government guidance.
We do have lots of exciting things planned this term, including a residential for some of our Key Stage 2 children which will be great and at long last! School trips can start again too for all classes. We are also definitely planning for parents and carers to come into school to share learning and activities when we have settled back into the new term. I will share what activities have been planned for this term with you as soon as I can.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,
Mrs Fletcher