Year 4 Trip to the National Science and Media Museum
Team Foss have had an amazing day at The National Science and Media Museum in Bradford.
We explored the ‘Wonderlab’ and took part in lots of different science activities linked to light and sound. We had lots of fun in the ‘mirror maze’ but we had to put our hands out to stop ourselves from bumping into the walls!
Some of us took photographs of ourselves- if you look carefully, we are upside down in the drop of water!
We looked at what photography was like in the past and were amazed at how big cameras used to be and how long it took to develop the photographs.
We found out lots of weird and wonderful things which will really help us with our learning in Science over the next few weeks.
Did you know that you can actually hear through your teeth?
Did you know that tonic water contains a chemical called Quinine that glows under ultra-voilet lights?
Everyone had such a good time and it was another great experience to enhance our cultural capital.