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Newsletter 17th May 2024

Posted On 26 May 2024
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Friday 17th May 2024

Well done Team Humber!

Congratulations to everyone in Team Humber on the successful completion of your SATs this week! We want you all to know that we are so proud of you and all the hard work that you have put in this year. Miss Smyth and Miss Haffenden were absolutely blown away with your drive and energy every day this week! Well done for taking the opportunity to shine! Today, the children in Team Humber have taken the opportunity to celebrate their hard work by making their own pizza’s by making a bread base and choosing their own toppings. The end results were absolutely delicious! We know that the children in Team Humber are really looking forward to going on their residential trip next week to Scarborough. Please can you drop your child with their bag in through the library door on Monday. We hope you have a wonderful time! 

Also this week, we were delighted to welcome Adam Prentis from York Rugby League Football Club into school for his final session with Teams Derwent and Foss. This half-term, the children in Years 3 and 4 have been learning Rugby skills on a Thursday afternoon. They have loved these sessions and we are very grateful to Adam for coming into school. Adam has also been delivering an engaging after-school non-contact Rugby club, which has been very popular. Yesterday, Adam delivered a whole-school assembly to mark his time with us this term. Thank you Adam! 

In other news, this week we took delivery of some new apple trees for our orchard at the front of school. These were kindly donated by Ardagh Glass Packaging in Knottingley for us to plant. The Class Champions came outside to help me plant the trees and they have done a wonderful job! We look forward to seeing them grow and then, one day, trying some of the apples! 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and get lots of rest. We look forward to seeing you next week for the last week of the half-term. 

  Thank you for your continued support,  Mr Greene


Attendance :

Attendance Update


Our school target is 97% 

This week our attendance was 94% 

Nidd –  97%                            

Aire – 93%                                                                                     

Ouse – 95%

Derwent –97%

Foss – 97%

Calder –  92%

Humber – 97%

Dates for your diary :

W.C. Monday 20th May Year 2 SATs Week
Monday 20th May – Wednesday 22nd May 2024 Year 6 Residential to Scarborough
Friday 24th May 2024 15:15 Break up for half term
Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024 Half-Term – School Closed

Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required

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