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Newsletter 16 June 2023

16/6/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, What a busy week we have had!   I hope you all enjoyed our sports day this week.  All the children did so well and it was a great afternoon. This week our Trust Pupil Parliament representatives presented with other schools to Ebor Trustees.  They...
Posted On 16 Jun 2023
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Sports Day

We had a great Sports Day this week.  During the morning the children worked together in mixed teams of Nursery to Year 6 to complete multi-skills activities.  Then in the afternoon we had lots of class races on the field.  We even had time for a parents race and teachers race!...
Posted On 16 Jun 2023
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Trustee Pupil Parliament

All year our Trust Pupil Parliament representatives have been working with all of our other 22 schools in the Trust on the UN Convention Sustainable Goals to improve our planet. On Tuesday, they went to The Parsonage in Escrick with some other schools in the Trust and presented...
Posted On 16 Jun 2023
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Swop Shop Was A Great Success!

Last Friday our Trust Parliament representatives held our first ‘Swop Shop’ as part of our commitment to sustainability and our drive to reduce, reuse and recycle.  Children could exchange toys and books or take something for a small donation of 50p.  There was also a...
Posted On 16 Jun 2023
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Newsletter 9 June 2023

9/6/23   Dear Parents/Carers, What lovely sunny weather to finish the week!  I hope you all had a good half term break; it seems a lot longer than a week since we have come back. This week has been busy and I have no doubt it will be the same right up until the summer...
Posted On 09 Jun 2023
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Newsletter 26th May 2023

26/05/2023 Dear Parents/Carers, We have made it to the holiday after an extremely busy half term.  We haven’t stopped and finish today with a key stage 2 hockey tournament against other schools and Year 1’s sharing assembly so busy right to the end! I hope you all have a lovely...
Posted On 26 May 2023
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Year 6 Residential to Scarborough

Our Year 6 children had a fantastic time in Scarborough for their residential and a much deserved treat after SATs. We went den building and orienteering in Dalby Forest on the first day then to the youth hostel for tea and evening bingo, quiz and awards.  A cup of hot chocolate...
Posted On 23 May 2023
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Celebration of Learning

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our ‘Celebration of Learning’ event after school.  We have had some great feedback and we are all looking forward to the next time we can have everyone in to share what the children have been learning.
Posted On 23 May 2023
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