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Our Trust Bunting Winner!

Every child in the Trust took part in a Queen’s Jubilee bunting decoration competition and one of our pupils was a runner up. His design was brilliant and he is a well deserved winner. Well done!
Posted On 27 May 2022
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Young Voices Was Amazing!

What a fantastic time we have had at Young Voices in Manchester! 25 of our Key Stage 2 children have been practising hard to learn songs and dance moves for the Young Voices event.  We should have gone in January but it was postponed until now due to COVID – it was...
Posted On 27 May 2022
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Year 6 Residential To Scarborough

We had a fantastic three days in Scarborough on our Year 6 residential.  The first day we went to Dalby Forest and took part in orienteering and den making.  Teams worked together to find clues on the trail and then made dens that were both camouflaged and waterproof.  Needless...
Posted On 26 May 2022
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Early Years Trip to Tropical World

Teams Esk and Nidd went on an adventure to Tropical World. They were very excited to travel by coach to see colourful butterflies and nosey meerkats. We tiptoed past a sleeping crocodile to find terrapins and a gushing waterfall. The children enjoyed a picnic lunch after all the...
Posted On 26 May 2022
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Brownlee Brothers Foundation Triathlon Event

Last week 16 of our children from Foss and Calder class attended the Brownlee Brother Foundation Triathlon Event at the York Sports Village in York. When the children arrived we had a quick briefing from staff on what to do and what to expect. The children were very excited to...
Posted On 26 May 2022
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Newsletter 24th May 2022

4/5/2022 Good afternoon everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend and apologies for not sending out our latest news at the end of last week.  We had some technical issues but fingers crossed everything is now sorted. What a busy week we had!   All children in Early Years had a...
Posted On 25 May 2022
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Queens Jubilee

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration (3)   Please see attached poster re: the Queens Jubilee in School on Friday 27th May 2022.
Posted On 24 May 2022
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Newsletter 13th May 2022

13/5/2022 Dear Parents/Carers, This week our Year 6 children have been showing what they have learnt during SATs week.  We are so proud of their positive attitude and resilience.  Well done Year 6’s! Thank you too to all of our children this week for learning in different...
Posted On 14 May 2022
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Newsletter 6th May 2022

Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you all had a great long weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.  This week has been very busy in school, finishing with a special Year 3 sharing assembly, after it was postponed last term. Next week our Year 6 children have SATs and they definitely deserve...
Posted On 07 May 2022
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Calendar Dates Summer 2022

Brotherton and Byram Calendar Dates Summer Term 2022    
Posted On 03 May 2022
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