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101 Things To Make You Smile

Homemade assault course in the garden.   Using anything you can find, create your very own assault course, from jumping, crawling, balancing,running and walking. Challenge your family and time each other to see who can complete it the fastest.
Posted On 21 May 2020
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Parent Update 19th May

Good afternoon Please see the letter from Mrs Fletcher attached below. We would be grateful if you could read this carefully and, if you have a child in Year 1 or Year 6, ensure that you complete the google form mentioned by clicking on the link her...
Posted On 19 May 2020
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101 Things To Do

Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness on Youtube   Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed specially for kids aged 3+, used in schools and homes all over the world.   Check out the links below:  ...
Posted On 19 May 2020
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Easing Lockdown In School

Good morning, Please see a letter from our CEO regarding easing lockdown in school. Many thanks. ParentLetter_allEbor19May
Posted On 19 May 2020
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Run around the world

We have completed over 21,000km and we’re now in Fiji. There’s 23,000km to go so although there are many people doing really well, we need to maintain momentum and get more on board to achieve the target. Please could we ask Parents and children join in and help us...
Posted On 18 May 2020
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Run Around The World

We’re nearly half-way through our challenge and almost half-way around the world – we’re in Australia! Between us we’ve covered almost 18,000 kilometres! Keep it up, everyone, and don’t forget to include family and friends. Importantly, make sure you log your distances. Encourage...
Posted On 15 May 2020
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A Message From The BB Team

We are missing the children very much and have made a video for them. Please will you share with them. Many thanks for everything you are doing at home. Please click the link below to watch:
Posted On 15 May 2020
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Latest Update 14.05.20

Good Afternoon, Please see the attached letter from Mrs Fletcher. Thank you. Letter to Parents 14.05.20
Posted On 14 May 2020
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101 Things to Make You Smile

Home-made balloon rockets You will need:  A balloon String Tape A straw. Explore how rockets propel themselves by making these simple home-made rockets. Work indoors or outdoors! Feed a straw onto a length of string (about 8-10ft long). Set up the length of string – make...
Posted On 14 May 2020
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Parent Letter 12.05.20

12 May 2020 To parents and carers at all Ebor Academy Trust schools  Dear Parent/Carer More details on the government’s conditional and phased return to school from Monday 1 June have now been released. We are working closely with the government, local authorities and public...
Posted On 12 May 2020
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