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Sports Day reminder

Just a reminder that children can come in their PE kits tomorrow wearing team coloured T-shirts for Sports Day. Please bring a picnic and join us from 12.30pm for lunch, followed by the races. We look forward to seeing you there.
Posted On 26 Jun 2019
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Summer Disco

Our End of Year Disco will be held on Monday 15th July: Esk, Nidd, Ouse & Aire from 3.15pm – 4.30pm (Please note: All Esk & Nidd children must be accompanied by an adult) Derwent, Foss & Humber from 4.45pm – 6pm £1 entry on the door. Refreshments will also...
Posted On 26 Jun 2019
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Clubs cancelled 27.6.19

As it’s Sports Day tomorrow enrichment and after school clubs are cancelled.
Posted On 26 Jun 2019
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Classes Next Year

Dear All, Summer term always flies and is so busy and this is no different this year.  At the end of this week we see some of our Year 6 children go to Sherburn High School and we wish them well on their new adventure.  All our classes will also be transitioning to their new...
Posted On 24 Jun 2019
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Sports Day Update – Postponed

We have made a decision to postpone Sports Day as the weather forecast for Tuesday is not looking great and thunderstorms are forecast. Sports day will now take place on Thursday 27th – Parents are welcome to come along and bring their own picnic lunch from 12.30pm with the...
Posted On 24 Jun 2019
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What’s Happening in School W/C 24th June 2019

Here’s what’s happening in school this week:   Tuesday 25th June Sports Day – Weather permitting.  Final announcement will be posted on Monday. Our Sports Day will run all day with team games in the morning and then races in the afternoon.  Please join us...
Posted On 21 Jun 2019
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New EYFS Outdoor Classroom Provision

Thank you for your patience this week as the contractors from Playscheme have been on site installing our new outdoor provision for the EYFS unit. We are extremely pleased with the work that has been carried out for our pupils and know that they will benefit hugely as they learn...
Posted On 21 Jun 2019
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Scarlet fever

We have had a reported case of scarlet fever in Early Years. Please see the NHS website for further details of the symptoms: If your child is ill or not attending school for any reason, please make sure that you inform school by...
Posted On 21 Jun 2019
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Sports Day Update

We will be making a final decision on Monday regarding Sports Day as the weather forecast for both Tuesday and Thursday is not looking great. Thunderstorms are forecast for Monday / Tuesday.  Thursday is forecast to be heavy rain.   Will will post our decision on the...
Posted On 20 Jun 2019
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Attendance Superstars this week

Well done to Class Foss, Class Nidd & Class Ouse who all achieved over 97% attendance last week. Aire 97.08% Foss 99.0% Ouse 97.50%       What great attendance superstars!    
Posted On 18 Jun 2019
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