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School Games Sunday 9th July 2017

Yesterday Brotherton took 2 teams to the North Yorkshire Games to compete in Netball and Hockey. It is a fantastic achievement just to reach the games as there are over 400 schools in North Yorkshire. Well done to the Netball team who finished 5th in North Yorkshire (Albert, Joe,...
Posted On 10 Jul 2017
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And the winners are….. Sports day 2017

What an amazing day we had on Sports Day last week.Yet again, it was wonderful to see such positive team spirit throughout the school. The encouragement and support the children showed towards each other blew the staff away! Individual competitiveness was added in the afternoon’s...
Posted On 27 Jun 2017
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Superb Young Engineer’s Fair hits BB

Last week we enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the engineering talents of our children at Brotherton and Byram Primary. On Friday afternoon we welcomed parents into school to show off the hard work that the children had put into creating cityscapes that stand the test of...
Posted On 27 Jun 2017
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Training days – Thursday 29th & Friday 30th June

Just a reminder that school will be closed on Thursday and Friday of this week for staff training. We look forward to welcoming all the children back to school on Monday 3rd July as normal. Thank you.
Posted On 27 Jun 2017
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Young Engineer’s Science Fair

Just a reminder that all parents are welcome to come along to our Young Engineer’s Science Fair at 2.30pm on Friday afternoon. Please join us to celebrate the wonderful engineering work that the children have been completing this week. If the weather is fine we will show...
Posted On 22 Jun 2017
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What a fantastic sports day!

We had a super turn out for our school sports day. The children had great fun competing in a range of races and enjoyed their picnic lunch with their families. We will announce the winning team in Friday’s assembly. Thank you everyone for making it a fantastic day, Special...
Posted On 20 Jun 2017
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Whitby fun for Team Humber!

Team Humber had a fantastic time on residential in Whitby. It all started with a great trip to Dalby Forest, orienteering and exploring the forest.Then we headed to Whitby for our night’s stay, carrying out a treasure hunt, having fun on the beach and wandering the streets...
Posted On 20 Jun 2017
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Humber class is ‘Simply the Best’

Congratulations to Humber class who achieved 100% attendance for last week.
Posted On 19 Jun 2017
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Baby News

Baby Rory Willson finally made his appearance into the world on Tuesday 13th June, weighing 7lb 10oz. Mr Willson and his family are doing really well, getting to know each other and working on Rory time!
Posted On 19 Jun 2017
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Polite notice re: safety

When coming to School please can we keep our children and adults safe by not using bikes and scooters in the playground. Thank You.
Posted On 08 Jun 2017
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