Superb Young Engineer’s Fair hits BB
Last week we enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the engineering talents of our children at Brotherton and Byram Primary. On Friday afternoon we welcomed parents into school to show off the hard work that the children had put into creating cityscapes that stand the test of earthquakes, pulleys, boats, catapults, flood systems and much much more. Our Young Engineer’s Week was a real success and the children enjoyed showing off their fantastic engineering skills.
Imogen from Team Foss said,
‘During Young Engineer’s Week I liked working with different people who I don’t normally work with. I liked the challenge when we got it wrong as it wasn’t easy and made us think.’
Vinnie shared, ‘ I really liked making the polo mint racer racing cars. It was fun building the cars and I loved the whole school competition to see which car was the fastest.’
What a fantastic success. Many thanks to Miss Oglesby and Mrs Davies the academy specialist for science for inspiring us all!