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Non-Uniform day Friday 17th March

Non-Uniform day – Friday 17th March Please bring chocolate for our Easter themed chocolate tombola.
Posted On 02 Mar 2017
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Medical Appointments

Please, if possible arrange medical appointments after school hours or during the holidays.  
Posted On 02 Mar 2017
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Dates for your Diary

Friday 10th March Teacher training day. Monday 13th March Year 3/4 Quick Sticks Hockey festival in Selby Parent / Teacher Meetings. Tuesday 14th March Parent / Teacher Meetings. Friday 17th March St Patricks Day theme in School. Friday 24th March Humber Sharing Assembly 2.45pm...
Posted On 02 Mar 2017
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World Book Day Thursday 2nd March 2017

Calling all performing Poets!!   To celebrate World Book Day at Brotherton and Byram CP Academy we will be hosting a fabulous performance poetry day on Thursday 2nd March. The children will have lots of opportunities to explore poetry written by different poets and as...
Posted On 28 Feb 2017
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Pancake flipping extravaganza!

Yesterday saw all Brotherton and Byram children from nursery to Year 6 take part in fantastic pancake races. It was flipping brilliant! Even some of our parents got stuck in! There was some excellent flipping taking place and we are sure that the children are now well practised...
Posted On 28 Feb 2017
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Headlice Alert 27th Feb 2017

We have had some reports of headlice in school again. Please could you check your child’s hair and treat if necessary. Many thanks
Posted On 27 Feb 2017
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Change of swimming arrangements

Dear Parents, Thank you to everyone who has returned their swimming reply slips for Key Stage 2 children.  This is a great opportunity for children to improve their swimming skills and is part of the National Curriculum. Due to Selby swimming instructors attending a course, the...
Posted On 16 Feb 2017
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Sherburn High School Newsletter

Sherburn Newsletter_Feb_2017.pd
Posted On 16 Feb 2017
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Pancake Race – 27th February 2017

On Monday 27th February, our first day back at school after half term, we would like to invite you to join us at 2pm for Pancake Races, followed by pancake tasting in the classrooms. We hope to see you there! Pancake race letter 27 Feb 17  
Posted On 09 Feb 2017
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