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Step into Sport Activity Days

Please see attached a letter and booking form for the Summer 2016 Step into Sport activity days, arranged by Tadcaster Family of Schools for children aged 7+. Summer Step into Sport 2016 Summer Step into Sport Booking Form  
Posted On 19 May 2016
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Summer Activites

Please see the attached brochure which tells you about lots of exciting activities for you and your family to enjoy this summer! Family of schools summer brochure 2016
Posted On 19 May 2016
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Y5 & 6 Summer Camp 2016

The Tadcaster Family of Schools are running a very exciting Summer Camp for Year 5 & 6’s from 1st – 12th August 2016. Please see the attached letter for more details and for a booking form. Thank you. SHS Summer Camp 2016 SHS Summer Camp 2016 Booking Form
Posted On 19 May 2016
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Well done, All Stars!

The Brotherton and Byram All Stars U6’s enjoyed their friendly against Sherburn Whites U6’s on Saturday 14th May. Well done All Stars, we are so proud of you all!
Posted On 18 May 2016
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Well done Year 6!

  Well done Year 6, you made it! We are really proud of you for doing your best during SATs week. You have all shown great determination and have been very positive in school. Enjoy celebrating!    
Posted On 12 May 2016
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Headlice Alert 11th Nov 2016

We have had some reports of headlice in school again. Please could you check your child’s hair and treat if necessary. Many thanks
Posted On 10 May 2016
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Thank you!

A big thank you from Mrs Fletcher for the smart appearance of our children this week.
Posted On 29 Apr 2016
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It’s a boy!

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Atkinson gave birth to a baby boy yesterday (26th April), named Owen John Atkinson! He weighs a very healthy 7lbs 9oz and both mum and baby are doing well. I’m sure you’ll join us in congratulating them on the new addition to...
Posted On 27 Apr 2016
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo


Miss McGuinns staff profile A few weeks back a group of Brotherton bloggers (Megan, Joshua and Rohan] paid Miss McGuinn a visit and gave her an interview for the school website Miss McGuinn has given us permission to write this interview so that the children can read it. What...
Posted On 16 Mar 2015
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo


MR JEFF What inspired you to be a PE teacher? I love sports and it is a big part of my life and I enjoy teaching people and seeing them learn and develop skills. What do you enjoy most about been a PE teacher? I enjoy going to the tournaments that we compete in also I enjoy...
Posted On 16 Mar 2015
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