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Our Amazing Netball Team!

Our netball team have done it again and won every single one of their matches!! They are now representing the Selby District in the finals in July. They won every single one of their matches by 2 goals making them 1st in the league with 20 points. We are very proud of the amazing...
Posted On 19 May 2017
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Great Easter baby news!

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Jeff gave birth to a baby girl in the Easter Holidays (12th April), Darcy Victoria Jeff. Born at 10:45am. 8lbs 10oz I’m sure you’ll join us in congratulating them on the new addition to their family!      
Posted On 24 Apr 2017
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Diary dates for the Summer term

We have a busy Summer term ahead when we return from the Easter holidays! Please see the attached list of all the exciting things we have planned! Whats Happening at BB in the Summer term 2017  
Posted On 07 Apr 2017
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School Disco Wednesday 5th April

We are having our School Disco on Wednesday 5th April 2017 Early years and KS1 3.30 – 4.45 (Early Years children must be accompanied by an adult) KS2 5.00 – 6.30pm   Entry to the Disco will cost £1 and there will be the following items available: Hotdo...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Easter Service in Church – Wednesday 29th March 2pm

We would like to invite you to church for a whole school Easter Service on Wednesday 29th March 2pm. All very welcome to join in our celebration.
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Polite notice regarding Parking

We understand that at school drop off and pick up times, parking is a problem. We know that space is at a premium and at busy times it becomes nothing less than a nightmare. However, could we politely remind all parents / carers that in order to maintain good relationships with...
Posted On 23 Mar 2017
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Humber is ‘Simply the Best’ for 2 weeks running

Congratulations to Humber who achieved 100% attendance for the last 2 weeks. Today we celebrated in assembly in style!
Posted On 21 Mar 2017
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Dates for your Diary

Thursday 23rd March E-Safety Parents information meetings 2pm & 6pm. Friday 24th March Red Nose Day- Wear something Red and make a donation to Comic Relief.   Mother’s Day Secret Room – An opportunity for children to choose a gift for their mum (and...
Posted On 21 Mar 2017
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Spanish Week and Spanish Visitors 5th and 6th April

We have been planning for our Spanish visitors to visit for two years and the time for them to visit has finally arrived!! During the last week of term we will be having our Spanish themed week and children will be taking part in lots of activities linked to Spain.  We also have...
Posted On 20 Mar 2017

E-safety parent sessions 23rd March

On Thursday 23rd March we will be running 2 e-safety meetings for parents, one at 2pm and one at 6pm, to help parents have a full understanding of what we will cover on our e-safety day for all classes on Thursday 30th March. For further information...
Posted On 15 Mar 2017
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