| 01977 355020
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Community News

Here is some information about our community and activities that children and families can become involved with:

( If there are other things that we don’t know about please let us know and we can share the information with our families)



4th Knottingley Brotherton Brownie unit

Girl-guiding UK

Register your child on

 Girls Age between 7 Years and 10 years

Meet at the Brotherton Parish Hall every Tuesday 6.00pm til 7:30pm


4th Knottingley Brotherton Guides unit – Girlguiding UK

Register your child on

 Girls age between 10 years and 14 years

Meet at the Brotherton Parish Hall every Tuesday 7:30pm til 9.00pm


Or contact Lisa Taylor Guide leader on 01977 790468/07976946721



Always looking for volunteers


Brotherton and Byram Carnival Committee are looking for helpers on the day or even to join our committee


Please contact

Roger Steels chairman on 01977 676422/07930377844 Janet edge on 01977 674665 / 07901540459


Or contact by web site



Village Bloom Committee are Always looking for volunteers and childrens groups to help plant flowers around the village.


Contact David Nicklin – 01977 671224






Latest Updates

Brotherton and Byram School Logo

No ‘bean’ feat for Megan’s mum in raising money for Scouts!

Last weekend one of our parents took the baked bean challenge and sat in a pool of baked beans for a considerable length of time in order to raise money. The local scouts and leaders were all really proud of her and so thankful in raising a well over £300 for her efforts! A great...
Posted On 09 Nov 2015

Brotherton All Stars FC – need you!

Following the closure of Red Robins a new football venture has started. This includes children for School Year 1 and 2 (Under 7s) and School Year 3 and 4 (Under 9s)   Training Every Sunday 10:30am – 11:30am On the Football field Next to the coach Road Brotherton Boys and Girls...
Posted On 21 Sep 2015
Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Brotherton and Byram Dog Show – TONIGHT!

B&B Carnival Dog Show! On the 9th September 2015 6:30pm At the Whale Jaw Rugby Field in Brotherton   Judging Best Prettiest Bitch Most Handsome Dog Waggiest Tail Fancy Dress Best 6 Legs Best Trick £1 per Category The Brotherton & Byram Carnival Dog Show has dedicated...
Posted On 09 Sep 2015
Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Brotherton and Ferrybridge Rainbows Camp 2015

The Brotherton and Ferrybridge Rainbows joined together to experience their first ever camping trip. The Brotherton and Ferrybridge Rainbows were the first Rainbow units to camp in tents. The Rainbows arrive on Scout Camp Tamarack at Barlow common nature reserve on the 18th June...
Posted On 07 Sep 2015
Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Brotherton & Byram Carnival September 2015

On Saturday 12th September , Brotherton and Byram will be celebrating their Carnival. This year, it has a Superhero theme and the parade starts at 1145am. On the whale jaw rugby field there will be bouncy castles, punch and judy, stalls , magic show, music and fun fair rides....
Posted On 30 Jun 2015
Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Brotherton Cubs NEEDS you!

Brotherton Cubs need your help!!   We are looking for adult volunteers to help our Cub Leader with a variety of tasks for the group, like assisting with our activities & administration duties, either weekly or on occasional basis.   We meet each Monday within term...
Posted On 01 Jun 2015
Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Brotherton Scouts fundraising Beer Fest with ‘Wrong Direction’

BROTHERTON BEER FEST With  ‘WRONG Direction Saturday 16th of May 2015 Speciality Beers, live band, quiz, bar snacks, good laugh and an evening without the kids – what more could you want? Come along for a great night out on Saturday 16th May at the Brotherton and...
Posted On 13 Apr 2015
Brotherton and Byram School Logo

Brotherton Bulldogs – taster session 7th Feb (with Super league professionals!)

Hi to all our local school representatives. We have a great taster session of rugby league lined up SATURDAY 7TH FEBRUARY, 10am to 12pm,  with 2 professionals from Super league coming along to help with the training and we would like to invite any of your pupils girls or boys to...
Posted On 24 Jan 2015