Dates for your diary
2016 Diary Dates
Friday 5th February-Aire Class Sharing Assembly
Tuesday 9th February-Pancake Races at 2pm for Shrove Tuesday (further details will appear on the website)
Friday 12th February-Ouse Class Sharing Assembly
Friday 12th February-School closes at 3.15pm for Half Term
Monday 22nd February-Chinese New Year (further details will appear on website)
Tuesday 1st March-St David’s Day-classes will have this as their focus for this day
Friday 4th March-Humber Class Sharing Assembly
Wednesday 9th March-Parent/Teacher Evening
Friday 11th March-School Closed for Staff Training
Thursday 17th March-St Patrick’s Day-classes will have this as their focus for this day
Friday 18th March-Derwent Class Sharing Assembly
Tuesday 22nd March-Whole School Easter Service at church
Thursday 24th March-Spanish Day-Theme Children will learn about the ‘Las Fallas’ Spanish festival and take part in themed activities across the curriculum throughout the day.
Thursday 24th March-School closes at 3.15pm for Easter