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Parking Information

Posted On 16 Jan 2017
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Monday 16th January 2017

Dear All,

The school has been informed by the parish council that double yellow lines will be painted on Low Street in the near future. This will obviously mean that there will be no parking on those lines and on the verges.

Parents will have to park further away from school but the parish council feel the yellow lines are necessary to reduce parking issues that have arisen. Once the yellow lines have been painted I have also been informed that Local Enforcement Officers will then be monitoring the area to make sure that people are complying with parking.

I am therefore letting you know so that you are prepared and can plan for parking elsewhere.

If you have any questions regarding this, please come and see me and I will pass those questions to the parish council or you may wish to contact the parish council directly.

Many thanks,

Bev Fletcher

Head of School

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