Dear Parents/Carers,
We are nearly at the end of our year in school and the summer holidays are almost here. Summer term always flies and this term is no exception!
We hope you can all come to our end of year celebration in church at 6pm today (Thursday 18th July). Each class will be sharing their favourite moments in school this year and we will also see this year’s Year 6 children graduate to high school. It is always a lovely end to the year.
At the end of this term we say ‘farewell’ to Mr Preston and Miss Stables and wish them lots of success and happiness in their new ventures. We welcome Miss Clark and Mrs Forster who have been in school during our transition weeks and are already great members of our school team. Mrs Finch will also be joining our Admin team.
This term there have been some glitches with our communication systems which we are currently reviewing. We are looking into a system that links website posts, Twitter and a system similar to BLOOMZ, streamlining everything to one app if we can. More information will be shared in September so thank you for your patience with this.
As you are aware, we will be going cashless from September so school will not be accepting any cash or cheque payments. If you are struggling to access Parentpay, the admin team will be on hand to help so please ask them if you have any issues.
Next term I will be reviewing school uniform with parents. If you are not sure what the correct current school uniform is, please check our website. Children need to wear black shoes (not boots or black trainers) with white or black socks. Please, if you are buying new shoes for your child over the summer, ensure they are shoes and not trainers or boots. PE kit is black shorts and a plain white T-shirt. Trainers can be worn for outside PE only.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to say a massive ‘thank you’ to you all for all your support. I have absolutely loved being back and am very excited to what we have planned for the children’s learning next year.
I hope to see you all either in school or at our celebration evening.
Have a lovely summer and, fingers crossed, we will have lots of sunshine!
Many thanks,
Mrs Fletcher