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Parent Hub
Posted On 01 Oct 2019
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Dear Parents/Carers
As you are aware we are no longer using the app Bloomz and have taken your comments on board. We are therefore pleased to announce that we will be using a new communication tool called ParentHub.
We are extremely confident that ParentHub will enable school communication to reach all parents via the App and Email and when we see that any communication has been missed, ParentHub will allow us to follow the message up with a text message.
Every App has it’s pros and cons and where Bloomz allows 2-way communication between parent/teacher, Parent Hub does not allow this. We therefore ask that moving forward, if you need to arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher or get a message to them, please contact the school office, either by telephone or email the admin team (
You will shortly receive an invitation from ParentHub asking you to join your child’s class which we should be grateful if you could arrange to do as soon as possible to enable a quick and smooth transition.
We will still have weekly updates on our website celebrating the week and sharing what’s coming up the following week on ‘Latest News’ and celebration posts so please keep subscribed to the website.
You are able to join ParentHub by following the instructions given to each class teacher.
We thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions, please feel free to speak to a member of the team.
Admin Team