Reminder: Christmas Dinner booking deadline Monday 2nd December
Just a reminder that if your child would like a Christmas dinner on Wednesday 18th December and they are in Nursery, Derwent, Foss, Calder or Humber, this MUST be pre-booked via Parentpay by Monday 2nd December. Unfortunately, due to our kitchen’s ordering deadline, no late bookings can be accepted and no school meal alternative will be available on that day so a packed lunch from home must be provided for all pupils in those classes for whom a Christmas dinner has not been pre-booked.
All children in Nidd, Aire, Ouse and those in KS2 who are entitled to Free School Meals, will receive a Christmas dinner unless the office is notified by Monday 2nd December that they will be bringing a packed lunch from home.
We would also like to welcome 2 parents/carers per family to join us for our festive lunch. Once again, places are available to book via Parentpay priced at £3.20 per head and must be booked no later than Monday 2nd December.
Thank you.