School Update 08.11.19
Dear Parents
A message from the Headteacher…
Welcome back to our crazy build up to Christmas. This week has been great and it has been so good to see the children. The weather has been very soggy though so I do hope the weekend is better and everyone can get out and enjoy the next couple of days.
Thank you to all the parents that came to our Parent Forum this week. Apologies for the cancelled 6pm meeting. This has been rearranged to Tuesday 12th November at 6pm. We had some really good discussions with great suggestions for moving the school forward.
Christmas preparations are already underway with Early Years and Key Stage 1 beginning to prepare for their Christmas nativity performance and Key Stage 2 preparing for their carol concert. We have had to change what we have done over the last few years as our school has grown hence why we have separate Christmas performances. Both should be great (details of dates and times are on our calendar on the website).
Next Friday (15th November) is our training day so we will be missing the actual ‘Children in Need’ day. So we don’t miss out, we will be having a bun sale during the day and after school on Thursday 14th November. Buns will be on sale for 25p each and any donations of buns would be gratefully accepted. We will also be trying to fill a drawing of Pudsey’s head with copper coins so if you have any 2p and 1ps and would like to donate them, please bring them in. Children will not be dressing up this year as we are having a non uniform day and Christmas jumper day this term instead.
I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy any bonfires or fireworks displays you are going to.
See you all on Monday,
Mrs Fletcher
What’s happening next week
Monday 11th November – we will be having a lovely day with a Remembrance Day theme to honour all those who have fought for us.
Wednesday 13th November – is our Calder sharing assembly and we would love parents of Calder class to come and join us at 2.45pm. We hope lots of you can make it.
Thursday 14th November – Children in Need Bake Sale – any donations on the morning would be greatly appreciated.
Thursday 14th November – we will be having the Foss sharing assembly and would love it if the parents of Foss could come and join us at 2.45pm. We hope you can make it.
Friday 15th November – Staff training day – school closed to pupils.
Attendance update:
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was 95.16%
Nidd – 97.59%
Aire – 98.70%
Ouse – 92.08%
Derwent – 96.79%
Foss – 92.92%
Calder – 98.75%
Humber – 93.18%