Welcome Back and Parent Forum
Welcome back everyone,
I hope you had a great half term and ready for the crazy build up to Christmas! Please keep checking weekly latest news, calendar dates and sign up to ParentHub to keep up to date with what is going on in school.
Tomorrow (Wednesday 6th November) I am holding three parent forum sessions and hope you can attend one of them. They will be held at 8.50am (once children have been dropped off in school), 2.30pm (before pick up) and 6pm. I will be sharing our curriculum focus this year, what we have done since our last parents forum and getting your views and concerns about internet safety ahead of planning for our safety week at the beginning of December. There will also be time for you to ask questions and share what you feel is working well and how we can improve further. So, please come and join me as I really appreciate your views and support to improve school.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,
Mrs Fletcher