Our Global Partner School In Freetown Sierra Leone Says ‘Thank you’
During such a worrying time, I wanted to share with you some really happy news. The headteacher of our link school in Sierra Leone has just received two boxes of reading books we sent a few months ago and is delighted!
It is so good to share.
We are still going ahead with our ‘Connecting Classrooms’ project through the British Council but his school is closed as well because of the pandemic so as soon as we can we will be making plans for him to visit our school when it is safe.
We have been asked if children can complete questionnaires for the British Council which the teachers will share. We will then be able to see what the children know now about global goals and then see how much they have learned at the end of the project.
The project is definitely something exciting to look forward to when we are all back to school.
Take care everyone, thank you for everything you are doing at home and keep safe.
We are missing the children so much but hopefully will soon be able to make plans for them to return to school.
Mrs Fletcher