School Update 12.05.20
Dear Parents/Carers,
Well, it has been quite a week already with government announcements about returning to school. You will have received letters from the Trust updating you on what we are doing after the announcement but I also wanted to reassure you that whatever we plan, we will ensure that everyone is safe. When we have finalised plans, I will share information with you as soon as I can.
This week should have been the week our Year 6 children took their SATS and had a week to show off what they have learned during their time in primary school. It certainly hasn’t been the week we planned! But, assessments only show a small part of what our children are capable of and they shine in so many more different ways which have been shown in all the amazing home learning pictures we have had shared in all classes.
We cannot wait to start the journey of getting children back into learning at school but will forever be so grateful to all parents and carers for all the hard work you have put in to make sure the children continue to learn as much as they can at home.
I will keep you updated.
Keep safe.
Many thanks,
Mrs Fletcher