Welcome Back
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to our final half term before the summer holidays. I hope you had a good half term break and your children are settling back into their learning routine and enjoying projects we have set for them.
As you know there have been lots of news reports about year groups coming back to school. We are bringing children back in small group ‘bubbles’ for vulnerable and key worker children first before year groups. After we have introduced these extra ‘bubbles’ into school and they are working safely, we will then start introducing groups of children from Nursery and Reception. If we have capacity, with reduced class sizes and staffing, we will then introduce Year 1 children and finally Year 6 children.
To make sure we remain as safe as we can, this will take a couple of weeks and we will contact parents of those groups as soon as we can to discuss a return date.
Home learning will continue as we have been doing already and both will be running at the same time so no child misses out on any learning.
Many thanks and thank you for all your support.
Keep safe,
Mrs Fletcher