School Update 10/07/20
Good afternoon,
Another week has flown by! One more week to go before we break up for summer.
I hope you have all enjoyed our celebration week and Year 6s enjoyed their end of primary video.
Thank you to everyone who has returned chromebooks today and home reading books over the last couple of weeks. If you have any more reading books from school, please would you mind dropping off at school so we can log them.
I am finalising our risk assessment for whole school return in September. I will then be able to share information about what will be happening in school at the beginning of next week.
Teachers have really enjoyed seeing the children this week when they have dropped off reports. We have missed them so much and (not wanting to sound like an old aunty!) they have all grown so much!
Thank you also for all your kind messages; it really means a lot to all of us, knowing you are happy with what we have done over the past few months. We could not have done it without you and all teachers send on their thanks to you for everything you have done to support home learning.
I will be in touch with everyone as soon as I have everything finalised for whole school September opening, hoping this will be Monday or Tuesday so please look out on our website and ParentHub.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun that is promised,
Many thanks,
Mrs Fletcher