Update from Mrs Fletcher
Dear Parents/Carers.
Welcome back to school, I hope you had a good half term. It has been so good to see all the children back in school and all have come back with great enthusiasm!
In light of the lockdown announcement on Saturday, I am really pleased the government have chosen not to close schools. Even though we all worked so hard together to ensure the children got the best possible home learning, there are gaps in children’s learning as a result of the previous lockdown so being in school on time every day is really important.
Systems that are in place to make sure we keep our school as safe as possible are working well and it is great that parents can drop off and collect children from their classrooms. So we do not have to change our systems, please can I ask that everyone continues to:
– Wear face masks at all times in the school grounds.
– Follow the one way system at all times.
– Always maintain 2 metre distancing from others.
– Keep time in school during drop off and pick up to a minimum.
– Keep talking to children about social distancing.
On Tuesday we had planned a parent forum but this has been cancelled and rescheduled for the following Monday (9/11/2020). The meeting will focus on our proposed school policy for the new Sex and Relationships Curriculum that became compulsory in September. We will send out a zoom link nearer the time so please join me if you can as I would really welcome your views.
It will still be a busy time in school and we will not let the pandemic and lockdowns spoil any of our plans leading up to Christmas but it will have to look a bit different. We have a bonfire themed day this coming Thursday and Humber sharing assembly (to be shared on ParentHub). We also have Remembrance Day, Children in Need, Diwali and plans are underway for a Christmas nativity with each class in school taking part, albeit in class bubbles. So, lots to look forward to.
Keep strong everyone and keep safe,
Mrs Fletcher