Latest News 12/03/21
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have had a fantastic week in school and the children have been amazing. There is a real buzz around school again which is brilliant.
Thank you for getting back into the swing of bringing children into school every day on time, which means we can catch up even quicker on any lost learning as a result of lockdown.
We also have some exciting news to share with you: Miss Oglesby is expecting another baby in the summer, which is lovely news. She is planning to teach until the end of the summer term and I will let you know the teacher who will be covering her maternity leave next year nearer the time.
I let you know that Mrs Pfluger is retiring at Easter, which she is really looking forward to. I am pleased to tell you that Miss Dickinson will be leading nursery after Easter with Mr Greene. This will be great for consistency with the children as she already works with them.
In a previous message to everyone, I also let you all know that our training day next Friday (19th March) has been postponed due to children only just coming back from whole school closure. We have moved the training day to Thursday 8th July instead as we already have a training day on Friday 9th July. If easing of lockdown continues on track, it will mean families can also have a longer break in the nicer weather (fingers crossed).
Next week we have parent teacher meetings. This will be a good time for teachers to catch up with parents to share how remote learning has gone and how children have settled back into school.
Next Friday is Comic Relief. Children can bring in red noses to wear at playtimes but we still cannot take any money in school. Please can all children come in school uniform.
We only have two weeks left until we break up for Easter. We have lots to get through in school before then but are still planning Easter egg decorating in school during the final week (week commencing Monday 22nd March). Please can everyone bring in a boiled egg at the beginning of the last week so we can quarantine the eggs (won’t it be good when we don’t have to quarantine everything anymore!). That week we will also be sharing a celebration of learning video from every class rather than having an Easter assembly.
Although it has been a great week, we have received complaints about parking and reports of thoughtless driving at the front of school. If you do need to bring children to school in the car, please would you not park on the zig zags or along the access road to school and the Children’s Centre. Please would you also keep driveways clear and be extra careful when driving along the main road to and from school.
Have a great weekend and I hope the sun shines.
Many thanks,
Mrs Fletcher