School Update 11/06/2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. I hope you have all had a great half term and enjoyed the lovely weather.
In school this week classes have had an ‘Empathy Day’ which went really well. Key Stage 2 also video called our link school in Spain and our Year 1’s had a beach day. Today everyone has spent lots of time planting in our allotment too. So lots of exciting learning going on!
I have no doubt that this half term will fly. We are planning for the last two weeks to be transition weeks when classes will work with their new teachers. I will be speaking with all the children about their new class teachers in the next couple of weeks in preparation for transition and will also let you know which teachers will be in which class. Transition weeks will start on Monday 12th July (after the week we have two training days on the 8th and 9th July).
We have lots planned for this half term too and I am still hopeful we can have parents in to school at some point. But, I have to wait for the Trust to confirm this after the government announcement regarding further easing of lockdown. I will keep you updated as soon as I can but really hope we can do something all together as a school community. We are desperate to share what we are doing in school in person and want you to be part of our end of year activities but after waiting so long to do this, we want to make sure it is completely safe for everyone.
Fingers crossed.
Mrs Fletcher
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was 97.32%
Nidd – 97.57%
Aire – 99.58%
Ouse – 97.08%
Derwent – 97.14%
Foss – 96.15%
Calder – 97.39%
Humber – 98.33%
For school lunches week commencing:
Monday 21st June, please use the pre-booking system on ParentPay by Sunday 13th June