Newsletter 4th February 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
What a lot has been happening in school! It is so good to see children taking on extra opportunities and absolutely shining.
This week many of our Year 5 and 6 children represented our school in our cluster Sportshall Athletics competition and did amazingly well, coming second. What a brilliant achievement! They definitely made the school proud. Watch out for photos going on our website.
Thank you also to parents and grandparents who could make our Parent Forum. It is always so useful to get your views and they really help us shape our school actions moving forwards.
We have also taken part in ‘National Bird Watch’ this week. All children have been up in our Forest Schools area to listen and observe birds. We will share what birds we have seen with the RSPB.
Today we have finished off the week with ‘National Number Day’. All children have been taking part in maths challenges and games to celebrate the day. Again, look out for a website post to see what classes have been up to.
Next week we are celebrating ‘Safer Internet Day’ and Chinese New Year. Teachers have lots planned and will share photos with you I am sure.
We don’t have many weeks left until half term and with everything going on, I am sure the next two weeks will fly. The children definitely will need a break as we are seeing many coming in very tired. We have talked to children who have said they are going to bed later, to try to go to bed earlier so they are not too tired to learn. If you are having trouble getting children to bed on time, please let us know and we can support.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week,
Mrs Fletcher
Our school target is 97%
This week our attendance was %
Nidd – 90.32%
Aire – 88.70%
Ouse – 92.86%
Derwent – 98.75%
Foss – 95.24%
Calder – 98.84%
Humber – 95.45%
Monday 7th February Safer Internet Day – “Themed All fun and games?”
Friday 11th February Chinese New Year
Friday 11th February 2.50pm Year 3 Sharing Assembly
Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required.