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Newsletter 26th May 2023

Posted On 26 May 2023
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Dear Parents/Carers,

We have made it to the holiday after an extremely busy half term.  We haven’t stopped and finish today with a key stage 2 hockey tournament against other schools and Year 1’s sharing assembly so busy right to the end!

I hope you all have a lovely half term and the sun shines.

Thank you so much for all the support you give to school; it really means a lot.

Many thanks and see you on Monday 5th June.

Mrs Fletcher

Our school target is 97% 

This week our attendance was %

Nidd – 93.79%

Aire –  98.70%

Ouse –97.39%

Derwent –94.17% 

Foss – 97.50% 

Calder –  92.63%

Humber – 93.60%

Monday 5th June 2023 Back to School
Tuesday 6th June 2023 Family Reading – We are inviting parents/family in to read with children from 2.50pm.  It would be great if you could come in and join us.

This week’s classes are: Ouse and Humber

Reception New Starter Parent Information Evening at 16:00
Wednesday 7th June 2023 Y4/5/6 girls menstruation talk

Y6 puberty talk

Friday 9th June 2023 KS1 School Trip to Cleethorpes.

Year 4 Sharing Assembly 2.50pm

Please join us to see what the class has been learning.

Other Key Dates :


Friday 26th May 2023  Break Up for half term
Monday 5th June 2023 Back to School
Tuesday 6th June 2023 4pm Reception New Starter Parent Evening 
Friday 9th June 2023 KS1 School Trip to Cleethorpes
Wednesday 14th June 2023 Sports Day
Friday 16th June 2023 Father’s Day – Dads, Stepdads, Grandads and Uncles are all invited into school at 2:30pm to read with children and to have afternoon tea and cake.
Monday 19th June 2023 Parent Forum  2.45pm in school.  Please join us for a cup of coffee and discuss how we can improve our school.    5.30pm on zoom.
Monday 26th June 2023 Class Photos Nursery – Year 6
Wednesday 5th July 2023 Y3 trip to York
Thursday 6th July 2023 Summer Fair with fish and chip supper 3.30pm-5.30pm
Monday 10th July 2023 Beginning of 2 week transition to new classes
Thursday 13th July 2023 School reports sent out to parents
Tuesday 18th July 2023 Reception New Starters Taster Lunch Session
Tuesday 18th July 2023 3.15pm Drop in to see class teacher regarding school reports
Wednesday 19th July 2023 Year 6 Graduation and Celebration Day (further details to follow)
Wednesday 19th July 2023 Disco  EYFS 3.15pm-4.00pm

            KS1 4.00pm-5.00pm

            KS2 5.00pm-6.00pm

Friday 21st July 2023 Break up for summer holidays  12 noon

 Please ensure you pre-book school lunches and breakfast club on Parentpay 48 hours in advance of the day required. 

Kids Holiday Clubs         Outdoor Education North Yorkshire, East Barnby, Whitby.

1st June 2023 – Canoeing down the River Esk – Full Day  

2nd June 2023- Bodyboarding and Bush Craft – Full Day

 Bored of the bank hols? Your child can look forward to adventures galore!On the 1st and 2nd of June 2023, Outdoor Education North Yorkshire is running a holiday club.  Choose either canoeing  down the River Esk on the 1st, or Bodyboarding‍ and Bush craft  on the 2nd.

Book early as places are limited. Call 01947 893 333 or email

Key Information               All activities are weather dependent

  •         Maximum of 12 children per day – spaces are limited
  •         Cost is £55 per child per day
  •         Transport is included. Pick up from Whitby Leisure centre at 9am and drop off again at Whitby Leisure Centre at 4.45pm. Parents can also drop off and pick up at East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre. YO21 3SA
  •         Waterproof clothing will be provided, if your child has wellies, please ensure they are wearing those.
  •         Please ensure your child has a packed lunch, snacks and drinks as no food is provided.

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